API Reference


import { createConfig } from '@ng-rspack/build';

The createConfig function is used to create an Rspack configuration object setup for Angular applications.

It takes an optional Configuration object as an argument, which allows for customization of the Rspack configuration.

function createConfig(
  options: Partial<AngularRspackPluginOptions>,
  rspackConfigOverrides?: Partial<Configuration>


The following example shows how to create a configuration for a SSR application:

import { createConfig } from '@ng-rspack/build';

export default createConfig({
  browser: './src/main.ts',
  server: './src/main.server.ts',
  ssrEntry: './src/server.ts',


The AngularRspackPluginOptions object is an object that contains the following properties:

export interface AngularRspackPluginOptions {
  root: string;
  index: string;
  browser: string;
  server?: string;
  ssrEntry?: string;
  polyfills: string[];
  assets: string[];
  styles: string[];
  scripts: string[];
  fileReplacements: FileReplacement[];
  jit: boolean;
  inlineStylesExtension: InlineStyleExtension;
  tsconfigPath: string;
  hasServer: boolean;
  skipTypeChecking: boolean;
  useTsProjectReferences?: boolean;



The root directory of the project. This is the directory where the rsbuild.config.ts file is located.



The path to the index.html file. This is used to determine the base html template to use.



The path to the browser entry file. This is used to determine the entry point for the browser build. It is usually ./src/main.ts



The path to the server entry file. This is used to determine the entry point for the server build. It is usually ./src/main.server.ts



The path to the node server entry file. This contains the express server setup. It is usually ./src/server.ts



An array of polyfills to include in the build. Can be either a path to a polyfill file or a package name.



An array of assets to include in the build. Can be a path to a directory or a file. Resolved from the path provided in root.



An array of styles to include in the build. Resolved from the path provided in root.



An array of scripts to include in the build. Resolved from the path provided in root.



An array of file replacements to be used in the build. This is used to replace files during the build process.



Default: false

A boolean value indicating whether to use the JIT mode. This is used to tell the Angular compiler to use Just-In-Time Compilation. **Not Recommended**


'css' | 'scss' | 'sass'

The inline styles extension to use. This is used to inform the compiler how to handle inline styles, setting up Sass compilation if required.



Default: ./tsconfig.app.json

The path to the TypeScript configuration file. This is used to set compilerOptions for the Angular compilation.




A boolean value indicating whether the project has a server. This is inferred based on the presence of ssrEntry and server and does not need to be set manually.



Default: false

A boolean value indicating whether to skip type checking. This is used to skip the type checking process during the build process.



Default: false

A boolean value indicating whether to use TypeScript project references.

Angular Rspack and Rsbuild Tools

Angular Rspack and Rsbuild Tools. Licensed under MIT.


Built for production by Rsbuild